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20 Ways to Get Fit

1-Walk for 30 minutes each day.
2-Try a new workout class, such as yoga or Zumba.
3-Do a 7-minute HIIT workout in the morning.
4-Incorporate strength training exercises into your routine.
5-Go for a run or jog for 20-30 minutes.
6-Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
7-Go for a bike ride around your neighborhood.
8-Take a break from sitting every hour and stretch for 5 minutes.
9-Join a sports team or play a pick-up game with friends.
10-Dance to your favorite songs for 20 minutes.
11-Use resistance bands for a full-body workout.
12-Try a new outdoor activity, like hiking or kayaking.
13-Do 10 push-ups and 10 squats every hour.
14-Take a fitness class at your local gym or community center.
15-Use household items as weights for an at-home workout.
16-Swim laps at your local pool.
17-Go for a brisk walk during your lunch break.
18-Join a virtual fitness challenge.
19-Do a 10-minute ab workout before bed.
20-Play with your kids or pets at the park

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